When we can’t be on the course, talking about golf is the next best thing. Join us each week for We’d Rather Be Golfing, where we discuss golf, life, peeing in the bushes and so much more. If you have a topic or question you’d like your all-knowing hosts to answer, submit them here.
Your Hosts:
Tim Bedore
Over the past 30 years Tim Bedore has spent thousands of hours entertaining audiences, first, on the radio and then as a stand up comedian headlining comedy clubs and theaters across the country.
Tim currently is heard every week on the nationally syndicated Bob and Tom Radio Show doing his feature Vague But True and has 14 national TV appearances on NBC, FOX, HBO, Comedy Central and Showtime to his credit.
Advice for Anyone in a Bar Fight – run, with pride
World view – sees the glass as half-full, but of the wrong thing
Proudest Achievement – an unassisted triple play in Little League
Pete Borchers
Pete is the proud winner of the Laugh with Louie Anderson Contest and regularly performs throughout the midwest. He has made appearances on Twin Cities Live, FOX9, WCCO, KQRS and in some guy’s basement for his 70th birthday party.
Pete spends a minimum 4 hours a day watching YouTube videos to improve his game. His handicap has not changed in several years.
Best Drive: 900+ yards (got caught in a mower and dragged three holes away)
Worst Drive: Shanked onto Hiawatha Parkaway and smashed the windshield of a student driver on her first time driving.
Handicap: His two sons, age 6 and 4